Growing in Christ. Growing together.

Walking in Faith

Hi, friend! I'm Magnolia

FAITH: God always pulled on my heart, but I was afraid to follow Him as I knew it would mean I had to give all of myself, and I was afraid of what kind of life that would be. I committed on New Year’s Day in 2019 to read the Bible and attend mass. Later that year, my world was rocked, and I came to know and rely on the Lord in a way I never expected. Since then, my life has transformed, and I don’t even recognize who I used to be. I am slowly learning church truths and traditions and am excited to continue immersing myself in His truth.

FOCUS: Raised an “independent” working woman, a homemaker, was something I didn’t even know was possible. Now, as a young wife and mother to two, I strive to learn how to bring order to my life and home so I can provide a peaceful and joyful home to my husband and children.

FEMININE: I am slowly learning TRUE femininity and leaning into church wisdom to help me be the woman, wife, and mother God designed me to be.

Woman drinking coffee and reading bible

Our Mission

Our mission at Strength & Grace is to empower you to discover the true woman God designed you to be.

Every woman has the potential to impact their community and, in turn, the world by first focusing on their vocation as a woman, wife, or mother. We desire to help women cultivate the skills they need to deepen their relationships with God, their families, and themselves.

Our website and online community will offer various products and services, that help women manage their lives with dignity and excellence. Whether it’s discerning their goals, strengthening their homemaking skills, or growing in their faith, we provide the tools to support women to thrive.

Join us on our mission to empower women to live their calling through God’s grace.

Our Values

To be the go-to destination for Christian women looking to flourish in their faith, focus, and femininity. We strive to create a thriving online community where women can connect, learn, and grow together.

We envision a world where women are empowered to live a faith-led life and make a positive impact by improving their areas of influence. Our website and products aim to provide practical, age-old wisdom and tools to help women manage hectic schedules and make time for the things that matter most.

By providing resources and support to help women live out their faith, we can help the light of Christ shine brighter in the world. Our goal is to be a guiding light and inspiration for women everywhere.

Woman sitting in church

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1

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