Putting God First

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

Making God a priority is essential for a fruitful Christian life. A deeper relationship with God can give you the sense of purpose, direction, and support needed to handle life’s challenges and difficult seasons. To accomplish this, you must first set aside time to spend with Him; through prayer, reading the Bible, attending church, and meditating on His creation all around us.

Putting God first in all you do and making decisions based on His will and guidance means seeking Him in every situation and relying on Him for strength and wisdom.

By living according to His word and teachings, seeking to do His will (Matthew 6:10), letting go of our material desires (Colossians 3:5), and loving our enemies (Matthew 5:44), we align ourselves to what the Lord wants for us.

In the end, it means staying committed to your faith and growing your relationship with Him by prioritizing your time and energy to seek Him out even when it is difficult or inconvenient. It also means engaging with other Christians to help you stay accountable in your relationship with God. Don’t wait any longer to make God a priority in your life – start today and see the difference it can make.


  • Thank God every day you awake, as life is a gift presented to you.
  • Arrange your obligations and responsibilities around your time with our Lord and plan when you’re most likely not to have interruptions.
  • Experiment with different types of prayer.
  • Bless every meal you eat.

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.”

G.K. Chesterton

Woman Kneeling In Prayer, George Henry Boughtonca. 1860
Harolisa & Magnolia | Strength & Grace founders

With gratitude in Christ,

Magnolia and Harolisa


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