Revitalize Your Spirit

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17

As we renew the year, we also renew our spiritual journey. Deepening our connection to God and strengthening our relationship with Jesus Christ allows us to cultivate a greater sense of peace and security.

This can be accomplished through a variety of practices, such as regular prayer and Bible study, attending mass or service every week, participating in fellowship in the life of the Church as WE are the Church, and joining your local bible study or young adult group. These groups can help you find support, encouragement, and accountability on your spiritual journey. Another way to approach spiritual renewal is to set aside time each day for personal devotion and reflection, like reading and meditating on passages from the Bible, personal prayers of discernment, or through structured prayers like the liturgy of the hours or novenas.

Magnolia: Before having my son, I woke up at 6 a.m. every day to read my Bible and reflect on the word of God. Those newborn days threw my entire schedule and day for a loop, and I no longer measured my days by hours but by wake windows and feedings, and I felt disconnected from God and myself. When I tried out Hallow, it instantly changed my life; I could pray the rosary while nursing, listen to devotionals while cooking, and listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year while taking stroller walks around the neighborhood. This experience has enriched my faith and prayer life and has helped me integrate prayer into my day. 

Finally, if your circumstances allow it, seek out opportunities for service and ministry in your parish. By serving others and sharing the love of Christ with those in need, you can help others and experience a more profound sense of fulfillment and purpose in your own life. 

And remember, serving your family faithfully is serving and sharing the love of Christ.

Although this is a lifelong process, by engaging in these practices regularly, we can experience a greater sense of spiritual growth and renewal in Christ.


  • Commit to going to your Church every week; if you’re not involved with a local church, research those in your area.
  • Find a bible study or young adult group and jump in!
  • Place your Bible where it’s easily accessible and visible.
  • Add a reminder to your phone for morning or evening reflection.
  • Faith apps have made it easier to integrate prayer time throughout your day, such as Hallow, Amen, and Laudate (Catholic focused), or for more general devotion,, Echo Prayer, and Glorify. 

What are some of your resolutions for the new year? 

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”


Upcoming holidays & observances

The Adoration of the Magi, Paolo Farinati, c. 1585. Lifts the spirit.
The Adoration of the Magi, Paolo Farinati, c. 1585

Jan 6: Epiphany

Jan 8: Baptism of the Lord

What we're feeding our souls

Harolisa & Magnolia | Strength & Grace founders

With gratitude in Christ,

Magnolia and Harolisa


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